Monday, April 1, 2013


We finally found our forever home! Although it is a little sad to have left the home that Ryan took his firsts steps in or the one the Chloe came home from the hospital to, we could not be happier.  We made a lot of great memories in our little house, but we are going to make many more memories in our new big house.  Four people in just over 900 sq. feet was crazy.  I know that more have lived in less and we were fortunate to have what we did. 

We hosted Easter yesterday.  Both sides of our family came plus a few bonus members.  Everything went off without a hitch.  I was stressing like I always do and was swearing I would never host again before anyone ever stepped in the door.  But I really enjoyed myself.  The kids had their annual Easter egg hunt and got way to much candy, we had amazing food, and I got to sit and catch up with my mom and grandma.  It was nice and drama free.  After last year that is just what I needed. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Holy Potty Mouth Batman!!

Chloe often leaves me speechless...she is definitely something else.  While in the kitchen this afternoon doing the dishes Chloe decided to join me.  She was busily entertaining herself with some new cups she picked out at Target this morning.  When all of a sudden I heard one hit the floor....followed by "You have to be *hitting me"...SERIOUSLY? Oh from the mouths of babes!  For about the past six months or so we have had an issue with her saying "*amn it" and we have tried very hard to keep a straight face and tell her that is not a nice thing to say.  So today I asked her to repeat what she had said just to make sure that I heard her right and sure enough I had.  I guess this is just the icing on the double layer cake.  A few weeks back Jason and I finally decided to watch a movie that we had dvr'd months ago...Friends with Benefits.  Totally not kid appropriate, but they were off playing so we thought "why not?"  Chloe has crazy timing....she happened to stroll through the living room just at the moment that Mila Kunis is telling some guy to "Go *uck Yourself" thing I hear is Chloe telling her brother that exact statement!  She then proceeded to tell me the same thing and has continued to tell me here and there the same thing since that night.  UGH!!! She will be the death of me!  On a up note....11 days until we are AZ bound!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bubble Bath Bonanza!!

So my kids have never been bath kids.  The whole idea of a bath grosses me out a bit.  Sure every once in a blue moon I wish for a big jetted bathtub that I could relax in for a minute of peace and quiet.  It would definitely only be a minute around this house, but then when that minute was over I would have to take a shower to actually get clean.  Ryan has been taking showers since he was two, he has never really known any different.  Chloe pretty much went straight from the sink into the shower.  So I am baffled as to why one day I thought "Why not let Chloe take a bubble bath?" So we did....and now she is hooked!  She wants to take them multiple times a day.  I am trying to limit them to every other day...we don't want any unnecessary trips to the doctor.  This obsession started shortly before Easter, so when the Easter Bunny was super stumped as to what to include in Chloe's basket she decided Bubble Bath supplies would work.  It was a big hit.  Her basket was complete with her own pink fluffy towel and Hello Kitty bubble bath.

A blogger that I follow used to crack me up when she would blog about her daughter only wanting to wear her Minnie Mouse jammies, she wanted to wear them everywhere.  We had a similiar situation with a Spongebob swimsuit, mind you I am not a Spongebob mom bought the is cute though.  Chloe had to immediately strip down and put on the swimsuit.  For the next two days she wore her Spongebob suit....we paired it with grey leggings and black leggings and everytime it was time for a diaper change I spent the whole time reassuring her that "yes we would put her suit back on."  Finally she got Pizza on it and we convinced her that it needed to be washed so it would be all ready for vacation. :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"Mom, why are you never happy with me?" SERIOUSLY!

So I thought I had a few years before the complete and total attitude kicked in.  Ryan is only 6 and I am at my boiling point with his smart mouth.  But, to say that I am NEVER happy with him is such a long stretch.  But, I guess in his six year old head that is what he is feeling....and it really hurts me that he feels that way.  I always say that I learned how to raise my kids from my parents mistakes.  I refuse to be talked down to by anyone including my son.  I don't generally whip my kids, maybe I should.  Instead I send him to his bed only to listen to him every two minutes ask if he can get up now and he promises he can be good.  His promises lately do not amount to much...he is back to his bed in no time.  I have read all kinds of parenting blogs and magazines and so forth.  One that really sticks in my head is about the words you say to your kids and how they stick with them.  I try really hard to never say anything that is really mean, not six year old mean, I don't like the words "shut up" or "hate," I really do monitor what I say.  Jason on the other hand talks and then thinks, I am working hard to change this.  He doesn't say hateful things, but says mean things sometimes.  We all reach our boiling point at sometime. Ugh...we have some many "child raising" years left and I just know Ryan is preparing us for the tornado that is going to hit us in a few years named Chloe.  So back to the question that was asked of me....I always take time to tell Ryan I love him and to hug him.  I feel very lucky that he hasn't completely gotten to the stage where he is too cool for me.  There are lots of nights he will crawl up on the couch and want to snuggle with me and I will cherish every second of that, because I know the day will come that he will outgrow my lap and prefer his friends over his mom. 

Up next...Bubble Bath Bonanza!

Friday, March 23, 2012

So Random....

We are on the verge of listing our house.  So this means lots and lots of cleaning and organizing and purging and so on.  I have spent today cleaning the kiddos room.  I am pretty proud of myself, I think I may even reward myself with a new label maker!  Then my family will officially think I am crazy.  Ryan has gotten into legos, not sure if I have mentioned that yet or not.  He seems to enjoy them..except for the one time when he stuck one up his nose.  Not sure if I mentioned that yet either.  Anyways I saw this really cute idea for storing legos on Pinterest (my new bff) using those plastic canisters that Folgers coffee comes in.  I always throw them away!  Not anymore.  We have one in the cabinet now and I cannot wait until it is empty and I can make a cute little label for it and store legos in it. 

Well I love yard sales...having them that is.  Most hate them but not me. I will be having one soon.  So I have this classic jean jacket from the Gap circa way early 2000's.  I MIGHT have worn it one time in the last oh seven years!  I saw it hanging downstairs today and I thought I really need to get rid of that....and then I thought what if I get invited to a Totally 80's Party? I will definitely NEED that jacket as part of my ensemble.  REALLY!!!!!!! This is why I have 10 totes full of random keepsakes! That jacket needs to go in the yard sale pile, but I cannot bring myself to put it in there.  Plus I know I paid a ridiculous amount for it and won't get anywhere near that price at a yard sale.  Ebay might be a better choice but I am to lazy for that.

Oh well off to the shower.  Pampered Chef party here I come!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sports, school and life

So tonight we have our first T Ball practice of the year..ugh.  It is really a love/hate relationship T Ball and I have.  I think it is great that it is something Ryan has all to himself with out having to involve his sister.  He doesn't have enough of those things right now.  His best friend is playing on his team this year so that is an added plus for him.  Also my long ago best friend's son is playing on his team.  This is an added plus for Chloe and I, since he is playing that means Chloe's BFF will be there too (she is his little sister).  That is definitely a win-win.  Downfalls....the coach, something about him irks me big time.  Thankfully it is starting to bother Jason too.  Do I see a change coming next year?  Keep your fingers crossed.  One thing I really liked about T Ball last year was getting this adorable picture...

I cannot believe in a few short months Ryan's first year of school will be coming to an end.  What happened to my pudgy little baby?  We are going to celebrate the end of the school year by hopping in the new Mini van and driving across the country to visit family in Arizona.  I am super excited.  Well maybe not about the drive but the end result.  I have some great memories of the time I spent in Arizona.  I am excited to visit with family and friends and smell the clean air and see the mountians and eat at my favorite restaurants.  I realized the other day that my kids have never had Baskin Robbins ice cream!  We don't have one close anymore and haven't in years.  I cannot wait to order two scoops of Peanut Butter and Chocolate! 

Chloe attended her first "friend" birthday party the other day.  It was for her BFF that I mentioned earlier.  It was Dora themed and very cute.  Her mom did an amazing job.  Chloe had a blast and loved the magic wand she got in her goodie bag.  She has been turning all of us into frogs!  On a funny note...friday night I had a dream about Riding the Ducks(in Branson) and eating pork tacos at the Rib Crib.  They served PORK TACOS at the birthday party!!! I was so excited!  I guess it is good that there is not a Rib Crib or a Baskin Robbins close to us!  I would be 400 pounds!

This little girl has developed an obsession with spitting.  It is pushing me over the edge.  I will often find her spitting into the clothes hamper or on her brother.  Or on occasion she finds it funny to spit in her hand and then wipe it on my arm.  The other day was the worst.  I was on the phone with my aunt and sitting on the couch.  Chloe had a cup of chocolate milk and was watching cartoons.  All of a sudden she climbed up on my lap, took a big drink and then proceeded to spit chocolate milk in my face! I was in shock.  I literally sat there with chocolate milk dripping off my face, because I didn't know what else to do!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hello Again!

Well my home has been taken over by sickness for the past week and a half.  I really hope that this is it for the rest of the season.  Sooo very thankful that Little Miss has not been potty trained yet!  That would have been an absolute disaster!  Though we have added a potty chair to the rest of the furniture in our living room.  Who doesn't need a pretty pink potty to go with their decor?  This is our second potty chair.  The first one she got was a super cute pink frog...she refused to sit on it.  Do I hear Yard Sale...oh most definitely.  I am so in the mood to purge my house.  I just need to motivation and energy to do it!  BTW I am also so in the mood to scour Goodwill to see if there is anything there that I can't live without!  I am my own worst enemy.  I am on a book kick.  I cannot get enough books.  I totally have enough books that I haven't read to last me well into the summer I am sure of it...but I want MORE!!  I already have my calendar marked for the release of two books that I cannot wait to order from Amazon.  I have a Kindle, but there is something about have the actual book in hand.  I think I like the smell of them..that has got to be it or maybe I just like the look of them.  When we move to a new house I will have book cases.  It is a must.  So back to the purging...I am so ready for Yard Sale season to be here.  I was planning on only doing one this year, but I don't know if I can make it.  I might have to do one on the spring and one in the fall.  I really just wanted to do one in the fall.  I guess we will wait and see.  I just have so much that I want to get rid of!  Our dryer decided to go kaput yesterday.  Ugh! So this morning we got a new one.  I feel kind of classy because now we have a matching set.  High class I know!  Our washer died about a year ago.  We had gotten pretty lucky since our other washer and dryer were freebies and lasted for quite a long time.  Oh well I guess I should go hang out with the lovely new appliance and catch up on what I didn't get done yesterday!