Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"Mom, why are you never happy with me?" SERIOUSLY!

So I thought I had a few years before the complete and total attitude kicked in.  Ryan is only 6 and I am at my boiling point with his smart mouth.  But, to say that I am NEVER happy with him is such a long stretch.  But, I guess in his six year old head that is what he is feeling....and it really hurts me that he feels that way.  I always say that I learned how to raise my kids from my parents mistakes.  I refuse to be talked down to by anyone including my son.  I don't generally whip my kids, maybe I should.  Instead I send him to his bed only to listen to him every two minutes ask if he can get up now and he promises he can be good.  His promises lately do not amount to much...he is back to his bed in no time.  I have read all kinds of parenting blogs and magazines and so forth.  One that really sticks in my head is about the words you say to your kids and how they stick with them.  I try really hard to never say anything that is mean...like really mean, not six year old mean, I don't like the words "shut up" or "hate," I really do monitor what I say.  Jason on the other hand talks and then thinks, I am working hard to change this.  He doesn't say hateful things, but says mean things sometimes.  We all reach our boiling point at sometime. Ugh...we have some many "child raising" years left and I just know Ryan is preparing us for the tornado that is going to hit us in a few years named Chloe.  So back to the question that was asked of me....I always take time to tell Ryan I love him and to hug him.  I feel very lucky that he hasn't completely gotten to the stage where he is too cool for me.  There are lots of nights he will crawl up on the couch and want to snuggle with me and I will cherish every second of that, because I know the day will come that he will outgrow my lap and prefer his friends over his mom. 

Up next...Bubble Bath Bonanza!

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