Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bubble Bath Bonanza!!

So my kids have never been bath kids.  The whole idea of a bath grosses me out a bit.  Sure every once in a blue moon I wish for a big jetted bathtub that I could relax in for a minute of peace and quiet.  It would definitely only be a minute around this house, but then when that minute was over I would have to take a shower to actually get clean.  Ryan has been taking showers since he was two, he has never really known any different.  Chloe pretty much went straight from the sink into the shower.  So I am baffled as to why one day I thought "Why not let Chloe take a bubble bath?" So we did....and now she is hooked!  She wants to take them multiple times a day.  I am trying to limit them to every other day...we don't want any unnecessary trips to the doctor.  This obsession started shortly before Easter, so when the Easter Bunny was super stumped as to what to include in Chloe's basket she decided Bubble Bath supplies would work.  It was a big hit.  Her basket was complete with her own pink fluffy towel and Hello Kitty bubble bath.

A blogger that I follow used to crack me up when she would blog about her daughter only wanting to wear her Minnie Mouse jammies, she wanted to wear them everywhere.  We had a similiar situation with a Spongebob swimsuit, mind you I am not a Spongebob mom bought the is cute though.  Chloe had to immediately strip down and put on the swimsuit.  For the next two days she wore her Spongebob suit....we paired it with grey leggings and black leggings and everytime it was time for a diaper change I spent the whole time reassuring her that "yes we would put her suit back on."  Finally she got Pizza on it and we convinced her that it needed to be washed so it would be all ready for vacation. :)

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