Sunday, May 6, 2012

Holy Potty Mouth Batman!!

Chloe often leaves me speechless...she is definitely something else.  While in the kitchen this afternoon doing the dishes Chloe decided to join me.  She was busily entertaining herself with some new cups she picked out at Target this morning.  When all of a sudden I heard one hit the floor....followed by "You have to be *hitting me"...SERIOUSLY? Oh from the mouths of babes!  For about the past six months or so we have had an issue with her saying "*amn it" and we have tried very hard to keep a straight face and tell her that is not a nice thing to say.  So today I asked her to repeat what she had said just to make sure that I heard her right and sure enough I had.  I guess this is just the icing on the double layer cake.  A few weeks back Jason and I finally decided to watch a movie that we had dvr'd months ago...Friends with Benefits.  Totally not kid appropriate, but they were off playing so we thought "why not?"  Chloe has crazy timing....she happened to stroll through the living room just at the moment that Mila Kunis is telling some guy to "Go *uck Yourself" thing I hear is Chloe telling her brother that exact statement!  She then proceeded to tell me the same thing and has continued to tell me here and there the same thing since that night.  UGH!!! She will be the death of me!  On a up note....11 days until we are AZ bound!

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