Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sports, school and life

So tonight we have our first T Ball practice of the year..ugh.  It is really a love/hate relationship T Ball and I have.  I think it is great that it is something Ryan has all to himself with out having to involve his sister.  He doesn't have enough of those things right now.  His best friend is playing on his team this year so that is an added plus for him.  Also my long ago best friend's son is playing on his team.  This is an added plus for Chloe and I, since he is playing that means Chloe's BFF will be there too (she is his little sister).  That is definitely a win-win.  Downfalls....the coach, something about him irks me big time.  Thankfully it is starting to bother Jason too.  Do I see a change coming next year?  Keep your fingers crossed.  One thing I really liked about T Ball last year was getting this adorable picture...

I cannot believe in a few short months Ryan's first year of school will be coming to an end.  What happened to my pudgy little baby?  We are going to celebrate the end of the school year by hopping in the new Mini van and driving across the country to visit family in Arizona.  I am super excited.  Well maybe not about the drive but the end result.  I have some great memories of the time I spent in Arizona.  I am excited to visit with family and friends and smell the clean air and see the mountians and eat at my favorite restaurants.  I realized the other day that my kids have never had Baskin Robbins ice cream!  We don't have one close anymore and haven't in years.  I cannot wait to order two scoops of Peanut Butter and Chocolate! 

Chloe attended her first "friend" birthday party the other day.  It was for her BFF that I mentioned earlier.  It was Dora themed and very cute.  Her mom did an amazing job.  Chloe had a blast and loved the magic wand she got in her goodie bag.  She has been turning all of us into frogs!  On a funny note...friday night I had a dream about Riding the Ducks(in Branson) and eating pork tacos at the Rib Crib.  They served PORK TACOS at the birthday party!!! I was so excited!  I guess it is good that there is not a Rib Crib or a Baskin Robbins close to us!  I would be 400 pounds!

This little girl has developed an obsession with spitting.  It is pushing me over the edge.  I will often find her spitting into the clothes hamper or on her brother.  Or on occasion she finds it funny to spit in her hand and then wipe it on my arm.  The other day was the worst.  I was on the phone with my aunt and sitting on the couch.  Chloe had a cup of chocolate milk and was watching cartoons.  All of a sudden she climbed up on my lap, took a big drink and then proceeded to spit chocolate milk in my face! I was in shock.  I literally sat there with chocolate milk dripping off my face, because I didn't know what else to do!

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