Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hello Again!

Well my home has been taken over by sickness for the past week and a half.  I really hope that this is it for the rest of the season.  Sooo very thankful that Little Miss has not been potty trained yet!  That would have been an absolute disaster!  Though we have added a potty chair to the rest of the furniture in our living room.  Who doesn't need a pretty pink potty to go with their decor?  This is our second potty chair.  The first one she got was a super cute pink frog...she refused to sit on it.  Do I hear Yard Sale...oh most definitely.  I am so in the mood to purge my house.  I just need to motivation and energy to do it!  BTW I am also so in the mood to scour Goodwill to see if there is anything there that I can't live without!  I am my own worst enemy.  I am on a book kick.  I cannot get enough books.  I totally have enough books that I haven't read to last me well into the summer I am sure of it...but I want MORE!!  I already have my calendar marked for the release of two books that I cannot wait to order from Amazon.  I have a Kindle, but there is something about have the actual book in hand.  I think I like the smell of them..that has got to be it or maybe I just like the look of them.  When we move to a new house I will have book cases.  It is a must.  So back to the purging...I am so ready for Yard Sale season to be here.  I was planning on only doing one this year, but I don't know if I can make it.  I might have to do one on the spring and one in the fall.  I really just wanted to do one in the fall.  I guess we will wait and see.  I just have so much that I want to get rid of!  Our dryer decided to go kaput yesterday.  Ugh! So this morning we got a new one.  I feel kind of classy because now we have a matching set.  High class I know!  Our washer died about a year ago.  We had gotten pretty lucky since our other washer and dryer were freebies and lasted for quite a long time.  Oh well I guess I should go hang out with the lovely new appliance and catch up on what I didn't get done yesterday!

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