Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hello 2012!!!

I am happy to welcome 2012 and say good bye to 2011.  We made some amazing memories in 2011 and had some hard times.  I will start off with our big huge vacation!  Well for the adults it wasn't big or huge it was more hot and tiring..but that is besides the point.  We took the kids to Disney in May.  It was amazing! That is such an understatement..but anyways.  It is definitely magical and the happiest place on is not just the hype they try to sell you to get you to come spend your hard earned money there.  It was worth every single penny.  My dear friend and her family have went to Disney every year for like the past ten years and they never grew tired of it.  She talked it up so much I decided why not.  I had been years before, but Jason and the kids had never been.  I thought we could go in May..that way we would beat the summer crowds and it wouldn't be to terrible hot...WRONG.  Florida was having record high temps while we were there.  It was in the upper 90s everyday and ZERO rain.  We hit all four parks and visited Downtown Disney.  Magical, Magical, Magical.  Ryan thinks we need to go back in a few months!  We will go back in a few years when Chloe is old enough to enjoy it.

Ryan started Kindergarten in the Fall and I definitely had my anxiety over that.  We were excited to learn that he had a teacher who has been in the district for many years and we both knew of her.  Also, I am able to drop him off and pick him up from school everyday so that defintely eased my anxiety.  He is thriving and getting good grades.  He has a best friend and it is so cool to see him form friendships and listen to them talk.  (Side note: Jason was married years ago to his high school sweetheart, well she is now remarried and her son is in Ryan's class and you guessed it! Ryan's best friend!!)  We all just laugh about it. Well I probably laugh about it more than Jason.  The boys have no idea and there is no reason for them to think about it.  I am super blessed to be able to help out with things at Ryan's school.  I love being an insider!

                                                    First Day of Kindergarten 2011

Another bonus of staying home is all the One on One time I get to spend with Chloe.  I could literally write pages of stuff about her.  She is spunky and smart and most of the time in a world all her own.  Something I am constantly trying to do is tame her hair.  Being a girl who has always had straight hair (except for when my mom permed my hair in the 90s, it was cool then, it really was) I have no clue what to do with curly hair.  So most days we wet it down and pull it back into a ponytail.  Boring I know.  Maybe another reason I don't do much with it is I have never been a "do my hair" kind of girl.  I always had my cousin come do my hair if I every really had a need to have it fixed.  Chloe loves to dance and sing.  At two she could record a cd with all the songs she knows the words to.  She is a big fan of the band Train and can sing the words to Hey Soul Sister and I Got You.  I guess it is good that I am not one of those mom's that have to drive around listening to kids music.  At three Ryan's favorite song was a song by Kid Rock, the name of it escapes me right now, but it talked of "smoking funny things."  I remember one time my Dad had picked Ryan up to go somewhere and Ryan wanted to listen to "Rock and Roll" which is what he called that particular song.  I had to laugh, because if you know my Dad you know that it is VERY unlikely he is driving around with a Kid Rock cd in his car.  To this day if that song comes on the radio Ryan says "turn it up" and he will sing along.  Chloe can also sing Adele.  At Christmas she blew us away by standing in front of everyone and singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  Definitely no stage fright there!  I mentioned she was smart, right?  She I can brag for a minute.  She has been saying her ABC's since well before her second birthday and she could recognize all of her letters too.  So here is my bad mom moment..I know she didn't learn her ABC's from me.  How do I know you ask?  The way she sings them is the same way they sing them on the cartoon "Super Why." I am an advocate for kids watching tv.  I don't say sit your kids in front of the tv and leave them, but PBS has great shows.  Chloe can count to 40 in english and ten in Spanish.  She can also count down from 10.  When we went to Meet the teacher Night at Ryan's school we were informed that there were kids in his class that could not recite their ABC's and couldn't recognize the letters.  I found this so sad considering Chloe could do all of that and she wasn't even two at that time.

Okay one post down...hopefully many more to come.

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