Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Quickie..not that kind!

So I am finally catching up on Biggest Loser from last Tuesday. Jason and I always laugh because generally we watch it while stuffing our faces.  Tonight I polished off half a bag of potato chips.  These people amaze me for a few reasons.  Some of these girls this season were professional athletes and now they are 300 pounds.  I often wonder how they go from one extreme to the other.  The other thing that often boggles me is why they always feel the need to show they videos of the contestants in their underwear.  Oh and the fact they always manage images of people barfing in buckets...don't they know I am trying to enjoy a fattening snack!  One season we used to eat Subway on Tuesday that was going to help.  I even tried to chew that Extra gum they are always hocking....I would rather have the actual Strawberry Shortcake! That is all I have on that.

But on eating..we ate at Olive Garden today.  On the way home I felt like crap.  Come to think of it every time I eat there I leave and feel like crap.  Sooo today I dropped $60 to feel like crap, then since I felt like crap I ended up taking a two and a half hour nap this afternoon and got nothing accomplished. Thanks OG!

Another stop we made today was Petsmart.  Ugh!  We have been tossing around the idea of adding to our family...with a puppy.  Like I said not that kind of Quickie!  I had my eye on one little dog on the website, but turns out she had already been adopted.  So on the way there we explained to Ryan that just because we were going there it didn't mean that we were going to be leaving with a new dog.  We explained that we needed to find a dog that would fit perfectly with our family.  Basically meaning we need a dog that is going to stay small.  He said he understood.....not so much.  When we went back we saw a couple of dogs that we liked, but none that we were head over heels with.  We did see these super cute puppies, there was a black and white one that kind of looked like Obama's dog.  They lady wasn't really sure what they were, they were really adorable though.  The only problem..they estimated them to be 10-12 weeks and they were already the size that we were looking for our new bundle to be at full grown.  So we left empty handed.  My heartstrings were definitely tugged at when Ryan's little face dropped. We reassured him that we will keep looking and we will find the perfect fit.  By the time we got home he was ready to play with his new legos and didn't bring it up again.

Okay have to finish Loser, just fyi so far I am not super impressed this season.  But hey atleast Bob is nice to look at.  I do find him slightly annoying, but attractive none the less.

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